If you haven't been following along with the David Price-Dennis Eckersley controversy surrounding the Boston Red Sox, then here's the elevator pitch: Price hectored Eckersley on a team flight about some comments he made during a broadcast, reportedly to the approval of his teammates

This all happened early in July. We're still talking about it -- even today -- because Boston is Boston. Also because David Ortiz voiced his opinion on Sunday about what should happen. Here's the juice, according to ESPN.com's Scott Lauber:

"I don't think it's fair to get stuck on something that was mishandled and can be fixed. If he has to come and apologize to Eckersley because of the way that things went down or whatever, let's do it and let's just move on."

Ortiz, of course, retired at the end of last season, so he lacks a first-person account of what went down and how. All the same, it's David Ortiz -- his opinions are going to carry weight, in Boston especially, for a long time to come. Whether Price follows Ortiz's advice and apologizes ... well, he probably won't, based on how the Red Sox players seem to dislike Eckersley. 

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But who knows. It's not like we expected to be talking about Ortiz's comments about a Price-Eckersley confrontation back in spring.