Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
C. Lebo G Creighton Lebo G 9 1 2.3 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 0
D. Farris F Duwe Farris F 8 1 1.6 0.3 1 4 25.0 0 0 0 0
Z. High F Zayden High F 23 0 4.4 0.8 6 19 31.6 0 8 0.0 6 9 66.7
J. Okonkwo F James Okonkwo F 15 0 2.9 1.0 5 9 55.6 0 0 5 5 100.0
R. Landry G Rob Landry G 7 1 1.6 1.1 3 5 60.0 2 3 66.7 0 0
P. Wojcik G Paxson Wojcik G 32 3 8.3 1.6 16 47 34.0 7 30 23.3 12 17 70.6
J. Washington F Jalen Washington F 37 0 8.4 3.9 54 77 70.1 8 15 53.3 27 42 64.3
J. Withers F Jae'Lyn Withers F 37 3 12.4 4.2 53 99 53.5 4 20 20.0 46 59 78.0
S. Trimble G Seth Trimble G 35 1 17 5.2 62 132 47.0 13 31 41.9 44 66 66.7
E. Cadeau G Elliot Cadeau G 37 31 23.8 7.3 101 242 41.7 10 53 18.9 59 91 64.8
C. Ryan G Cormac Ryan G 36 34 30.3 11.5 128 335 38.2 75 212 35.4 83 95 87.4
H. Ingram F Harrison Ingram F 37 36 32.8 12.2 163 379 43.0 65 169 38.5 60 98 61.2
A. Bacot F Armando Bacot F 37 37 30.2 14.5 194 359 54.0 4 10 40.0 146 187 78.1
R. Davis G RJ Davis G 37 37 34.7 21.2 260 607 42.8 113 284 39.8 151 173 87.3
Team 37 81.9 1046 2323 45.0 301 839 35.9 639 842 75.9
Opponents 37 70.5 935 2281 41.0 262 817 32.1 476 644 73.9

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
A. Bacot F Armando Bacot F 37 37 117 263 380 10.3 22 0.60 56 1.50
H. Ingram F Harrison Ingram F 37 36 97 230 327 8.8 51 1.40 15 0.40
J. Withers F Jae'Lyn Withers F 37 3 37 96 133 3.6 16 0.40 18 0.50
R. Davis G RJ Davis G 37 37 18 116 134 3.6 45 1.20 8 0.20
C. Ryan G Cormac Ryan G 36 34 20 82 102 2.8 25 0.70 15 0.40
J. Washington F Jalen Washington F 37 0 33 62 95 2.6 3 0.10 21 0.60
E. Cadeau G Elliot Cadeau G 37 31 21 60 81 2.2 29 0.80 4 0.10
S. Trimble G Seth Trimble G 35 1 18 56 74 2.1 13 0.40 7 0.20
Z. High F Zayden High F 23 0 9 17 26 1.1 5 0.20 3 0.10
P. Wojcik G Paxson Wojcik G 32 3 12 20 32 1.0 3 0.10 0 0.00
J. Okonkwo F James Okonkwo F 15 0 7 8 15 1.0 0 0.00 4 0.30
R. Landry G Rob Landry G 7 1 1 3 4 0.6 0 0.00 0 0.00
C. Lebo G Creighton Lebo G 9 1 0 3 3 0.3 2 0.20 0 0.00
D. Farris F Duwe Farris F 8 1 1 1 2 0.3 0 0.00 0 0.00
Team 37 452 1068 1632 44.1 214 5.80 151 4.10
Opponents 37 331 919 1394 37.7 203 5.50 141 3.80

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
E. Cadeau G Elliot Cadeau G 37 31 150 4.1 67 1.8 2.2
R. Davis G RJ Davis G 37 37 129 3.5 55 1.5 2.3
H. Ingram F Harrison Ingram F 37 36 80 2.2 51 1.4 1.6
A. Bacot F Armando Bacot F 37 37 56 1.5 60 1.6 0.9
C. Ryan G Cormac Ryan G 36 34 44 1.2 42 1.2 1.0
S. Trimble G Seth Trimble G 35 1 32 0.9 22 0.6 1.5
J. Withers F Jae'Lyn Withers F 37 3 21 0.6 25 0.7 0.8
P. Wojcik G Paxson Wojcik G 32 3 13 0.4 10 0.3 1.3
J. Washington F Jalen Washington F 37 0 7 0.2 14 0.4 0.5
Z. High F Zayden High F 23 0 3 0.1 9 0.4 0.3
D. Farris F Duwe Farris F 8 1 1 0.1 0 0.0
J. Okonkwo F James Okonkwo F 15 0 0 0.0 3 0.2 0.0
C. Lebo G Creighton Lebo G 9 1 0 0.0 0 0.0
R. Landry G Rob Landry G 7 1 0 0.0 0 0.0
Team 37 536 14.5 373 10.1 1.4
Opponents 37 374 10.1 392 10.6 1.0
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