Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
T. Herro PG Tyler Herro PG 10 10 33.5 24.9 87 170 51.2 46 96 47.9 29 35 82.9
J. Butler SF Jimmy Butler SF 8 8 30.5 16.1 43 90 47.8 2 13 15.4 41 56 73.2
B. Adebayo C Bam Adebayo C 10 10 34.8 15.3 57 140 40.7 5 23 21.7 34 51 66.7
T. Rozier SG Terry Rozier SG 10 10 33.1 13.6 46 121 38.0 23 63 36.5 21 23 91.3
J. Jaquez Jr. SF Jaime Jaquez Jr. SF 7 0 23.9 9.7 26 61 42.6 7 15 46.7 9 15 60.0
D. Robinson SG Duncan Robinson SG 9 0 18.6 9.0 30 79 38.0 21 56 37.5 0 0
N. Jovic PF Nikola Jovic PF 10 8 18.0 8.0 30 66 45.5 11 32 34.4 9 12 75.0
H. Highsmith SF Haywood Highsmith SF 8 2 24.5 7.9 24 42 57.1 8 22 36.4 7 11 63.6
A. Burks PG Alec Burks PG 5 0 18.2 6.2 10 20 50.0 9 14 64.3 2 2 100.0
P. Larsson SG Pelle Larsson SG 7 0 13.9 5.0 12 23 52.2 5 12 41.7 6 10 60.0
K. Love PF Kevin Love PF 2 2 11.5 4.5 3 11 27.3 2 8 25.0 1 1 100.0
T. Bryant C Thomas Bryant C 7 0 12.7 4.1 10 21 47.6 4 11 36.4 5 5 100.0
J. Richardson SG Josh Richardson SG 5 0 17.2 3.4 6 20 30.0 3 10 30.0 2 2 100.0
K. Ware C Kel'el Ware C 6 0 7.2 3.0 8 18 44.4 2 5 40.0 0 0
D. Smith SG Dru Smith SG 4 0 7.0 1.0 2 6 33.3 0 1 0.0 0 0
Team 10 110.2 394 888 44.4 148 381 38.8 166 223 74.4
Opponents 10 111.2 407 880 46.3 142 389 36.5 156 194 80.4

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
D. Smith SG Dru Smith SG 4 0 2 5 7 1.8 0 0.00 4 1.00
K. Love PF Kevin Love PF 2 2 2 6 8 4.0 2 1.00 0 0.00
A. Burks PG Alec Burks PG 5 0 2 6 8 1.6 3 0.60 1 0.20
K. Ware C Kel'el Ware C 6 0 0 8 8 1.3 2 0.33 4 0.67
P. Larsson SG Pelle Larsson SG 7 0 2 6 8 1.1 4 0.57 0 0.00
J. Richardson SG Josh Richardson SG 5 0 5 4 9 1.8 6 1.20 0 0.00
D. Robinson SG Duncan Robinson SG 9 0 2 17 19 2.1 5 0.56 3 0.33
T. Bryant C Thomas Bryant C 7 0 6 19 25 3.6 1 0.14 5 0.71
H. Highsmith SF Haywood Highsmith SF 8 2 6 20 26 3.3 14 1.75 4 0.50
J. Butler SF Jimmy Butler SF 8 8 21 17 38 4.8 12 1.50 2 0.25
N. Jovic PF Nikola Jovic PF 10 8 7 32 39 3.9 10 1.00 1 0.10
T. Rozier SG Terry Rozier SG 10 10 4 40 44 4.4 9 0.90 4 0.40
J. Jaquez Jr. SF Jaime Jaquez Jr. SF 7 0 15 33 48 6.9 7 1.00 1 0.14
T. Herro PG Tyler Herro PG 10 10 2 50 52 5.2 7 0.70 2 0.20
B. Adebayo C Bam Adebayo C 10 10 33 59 92 9.2 17 1.70 14 1.40
Team 10 109 322 431 43.1 99 9.90 45 4.50
Opponents 10 125 345 470 47.0 72 7.20 57 5.70

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
T. Herro PG Tyler Herro PG 10 10 53 5.3 26 2.6 2.0
J. Butler SF Jimmy Butler SF 8 8 39 4.9 14 1.8 2.8
T. Rozier SG Terry Rozier SG 10 10 41 4.1 20 2.0 2.1
B. Adebayo C Bam Adebayo C 10 10 39 3.9 13 1.3 3.0
J. Jaquez Jr. SF Jaime Jaquez Jr. SF 7 0 16 2.3 13 1.9 1.2
A. Burks PG Alec Burks PG 5 0 9 1.8 1 0.2 9.0
P. Larsson SG Pelle Larsson SG 7 0 11 1.6 4 0.6 2.8
D. Robinson SG Duncan Robinson SG 9 0 13 1.4 5 0.6 2.6
N. Jovic PF Nikola Jovic PF 10 8 13 1.3 8 0.8 1.6
J. Richardson SG Josh Richardson SG 5 0 6 1.2 6 1.2 1.0
K. Love PF Kevin Love PF 2 2 2 1.0 0 0.0
H. Highsmith SF Haywood Highsmith SF 8 2 6 0.8 3 0.4 2.0
T. Bryant C Thomas Bryant C 7 0 4 0.6 1 0.1 4.0
D. Smith SG Dru Smith SG 4 0 2 0.5 2 0.5 1.0
K. Ware C Kel'el Ware C 6 0 0 0.0 3 0.5 0.0
Team 10 254 25.4 131 11.9 1.9
Opponents 10 258 25.8 147 14.7 1.8
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