Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
N. Powell SG Norman Powell SG 16 16 32.9 23.6 130 264 49.2 63 127 49.6 54 65 83.1
J. Harden PG James Harden PG 22 22 34.4 22.3 141 366 38.5 64 185 34.6 145 162 89.5
I. Zubac C Ivica Zubac C 22 22 32.7 15.3 150 247 60.7 0 0 36 67 53.7
D. Jones Jr. SF Derrick Jones Jr. SF 22 22 25.5 10.0 85 171 49.7 26 62 41.9 24 28 85.7
A. Coffey SF Amir Coffey SF 22 6 23.9 9.7 74 159 46.5 34 82 41.5 32 38 84.2
K. Porter PG Kevin Porter PG 21 0 18.7 8.8 77 186 41.4 9 49 18.4 22 35 62.9
J. Miller SF Jordan Miller SF 11 0 13.5 6.9 28 60 46.7 4 16 25.0 16 21 76.2
K. Dunn PG Kris Dunn PG 22 11 22.7 6.7 60 131 45.8 22 65 33.8 5 10 50.0
T. Mann SG Terance Mann SG 22 11 21.4 6.3 54 124 43.5 15 45 33.3 16 24 66.7
M. Bamba C Mo Bamba C 8 0 14.3 5.8 18 40 45.0 4 18 22.2 6 9 66.7
B. Hyland PG Bones Hyland PG 7 0 6.6 4.9 10 29 34.5 7 18 38.9 7 8 87.5
N. Batum PF Nicolas Batum PF 22 0 18.0 4.0 30 77 39.0 23 60 38.3 6 8 75.0
K. Brown SF Kobe Brown SF 7 0 6.7 2.9 9 20 45.0 1 6 16.7 1 2 50.0
K. Jones C Kai Jones C 13 0 8.1 2.3 13 18 72.2 0 0 4 6 66.7
Team 22 109.3 879 1892 46.5 272 733 37.1 374 483 77.4
Opponents 22 107.0 857 1869 45.9 282 826 34.1 358 472 75.8

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
I. Zubac C Ivica Zubac C 22 22 89 183 272 12.4 13 0.59 22 1.00
J. Harden PG James Harden PG 22 22 14 144 158 7.2 37 1.68 16 0.73
M. Bamba C Mo Bamba C 8 0 6 29 35 4.4 5 0.63 9 1.13
K. Dunn PG Kris Dunn PG 22 11 17 68 85 3.9 33 1.50 7 0.32
K. Porter PG Kevin Porter PG 21 0 14 60 74 3.5 18 0.86 7 0.33
D. Jones Jr. SF Derrick Jones Jr. SF 22 22 29 49 78 3.5 29 1.32 4 0.18
T. Mann SG Terance Mann SG 22 11 24 47 71 3.2 22 1.00 4 0.18
N. Powell SG Norman Powell SG 16 16 4 42 46 2.9 18 1.13 3 0.19
N. Batum PF Nicolas Batum PF 22 0 18 42 60 2.7 8 0.36 10 0.45
A. Coffey SF Amir Coffey SF 22 6 15 41 56 2.5 13 0.59 1 0.05
K. Brown SF Kobe Brown SF 7 0 5 11 16 2.3 1 0.14 0 0.00
J. Miller SF Jordan Miller SF 11 0 9 12 21 1.9 5 0.45 1 0.09
K. Jones C Kai Jones C 13 0 10 15 25 1.9 1 0.08 8 0.62
B. Hyland PG Bones Hyland PG 7 0 2 3 5 0.7 5 0.71 2 0.29
Team 22 256 746 1002 45.5 208 9.45 94 4.27
Opponents 22 205 706 911 41.4 212 9.60 118 5.40

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
J. Harden PG James Harden PG 22 22 195 8.9 97 4.4 2.0
K. Porter PG Kevin Porter PG 21 0 58 2.8 49 2.3 1.2
K. Dunn PG Kris Dunn PG 22 11 60 2.7 24 1.1 2.5
I. Zubac C Ivica Zubac C 22 22 54 2.5 48 2.2 1.1
N. Powell SG Norman Powell SG 16 16 36 2.3 33 2.1 1.1
T. Mann SG Terance Mann SG 22 11 40 1.8 12 0.6 3.3
N. Batum PF Nicolas Batum PF 22 0 34 1.5 8 0.4 4.3
A. Coffey SF Amir Coffey SF 22 6 26 1.2 13 0.6 2.0
J. Miller SF Jordan Miller SF 11 0 12 1.1 12 1.1 1.0
D. Jones Jr. SF Derrick Jones Jr. SF 22 22 20 0.9 25 1.1 0.8
M. Bamba C Mo Bamba C 8 0 7 0.9 6 0.8 1.2
K. Brown SF Kobe Brown SF 7 0 4 0.6 0 0.0
K. Jones C Kai Jones C 13 0 4 0.3 5 0.4 0.8
B. Hyland PG Bones Hyland PG 7 0 2 0.3 5 0.7 0.4
Team 22 552 25.1 365 15.3 1.5
Opponents 22 542 24.6 323 14.7 1.7
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