Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
J. Moore G Justin Moore G 31 30 28.5 12.4 139 360 38.6 33 106 31.1 74 98 75.5
A. Williams C Amari Williams C 32 32 22.9 12.2 139 269 51.7 1 3 33.3 110 168 65.5
L. House G Luke House G 32 32 26.8 9.2 108 229 47.2 56 136 41.2 22 26 84.6
L. Monroe F Lucas Monroe F 30 22 18.4 6.7 88 147 59.9 3 6 50.0 23 32 71.9
M. Okros F Mate Okros F 32 23 21.9 6.4 60 139 43.2 42 107 39.3 44 52 84.6
K. MaGee G Kobe MaGee G 32 0 18.3 6.3 81 159 50.9 23 65 35.4 16 17 94.1
Y. Butler G Yame Butler G 31 9 15 6.1 66 153 43.1 16 59 27.1 40 57 70.2
G. Turner F Garfield Turner F 32 0 15.8 5.1 60 101 59.4 0 0 44 66 66.7
L. Oden Jr. G Lamar Oden Jr. G 22 11 19.9 5.0 43 124 34.7 14 58 24.1 11 16 68.8
J. Bergens G Jamie Bergens G 31 1 17.9 4.5 53 151 35.1 18 59 30.5 16 20 80.0
S. Blakeney G Shane Blakeney G 22 0 5.5 2.0 15 39 38.5 9 26 34.6 5 7 71.4
D. Wang G Dean Wang G 4 0 2.3 1.8 3 3 100.0 1 1 100.0 0 0
C. Hargrove F Cole Hargrove F 16 0 4.2 0.9 6 12 50.0 0 2 0.0 3 6 50.0
Team 32 73.3 861 1886 45.7 216 628 34.4 408 565 72.2
Opponents 32 66.6 784 1874 41.8 209 662 31.6 353 501 70.5

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
A. Williams C Amari Williams C 32 32 79 170 249 7.8 27 0.80 57 1.80
L. Monroe F Lucas Monroe F 30 22 43 113 156 5.2 15 0.50 6 0.20
G. Turner F Garfield Turner F 32 0 71 75 146 4.6 18 0.60 16 0.50
L. Oden Jr. G Lamar Oden Jr. G 22 11 20 72 92 4.2 9 0.40 2 0.10
J. Moore G Justin Moore G 31 30 12 99 111 3.6 34 1.10 5 0.20
L. House G Luke House G 32 32 31 78 109 3.4 13 0.40 10 0.30
M. Okros F Mate Okros F 32 23 18 57 75 2.3 13 0.40 3 0.10
J. Bergens G Jamie Bergens G 31 1 11 58 69 2.2 13 0.40 2 0.10
K. MaGee G Kobe MaGee G 32 0 21 45 66 2.1 10 0.30 12 0.40
Y. Butler G Yame Butler G 31 9 12 38 50 1.6 8 0.30 3 0.10
C. Hargrove F Cole Hargrove F 16 0 2 13 15 0.9 1 0.10 9 0.60
S. Blakeney G Shane Blakeney G 22 0 2 15 17 0.8 0 0.00 2 0.10
D. Wang G Dean Wang G 4 0 0 1 1 0.3 0 0.00 0 0.00
Team 32 369 884 1350 42.2 161 5.00 127 4.00
Opponents 32 281 719 1102 34.4 175 5.50 98 3.10

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
D. Wang G Dean Wang G 4 0 0 0.0 1 0.3 0.0
C. Hargrove F Cole Hargrove F 16 0 3 0.2 2 0.1 1.5
S. Blakeney G Shane Blakeney G 22 0 6 0.3 4 0.2 1.5
L. Oden Jr. G Lamar Oden Jr. G 22 11 19 0.9 17 0.8 1.1
L. Monroe F Lucas Monroe F 30 22 28 0.9 36 1.2 0.8
J. Moore G Justin Moore G 31 30 109 3.5 72 2.3 1.5
J. Bergens G Jamie Bergens G 31 1 41 1.3 21 0.7 2.0
Y. Butler G Yame Butler G 31 9 32 1.0 24 0.8 1.3
A. Williams C Amari Williams C 32 32 62 1.9 76 2.4 0.8
L. House G Luke House G 32 32 35 1.1 22 0.7 1.6
M. Okros F Mate Okros F 32 23 29 0.9 13 0.4 2.2
K. MaGee G Kobe MaGee G 32 0 23 0.7 20 0.6 1.2
G. Turner F Garfield Turner F 32 0 19 0.6 20 0.6 1.0
Team 32 406 12.7 346 10.8 1.2
Opponents 32 344 10.8 289 9.0 1.2
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